The National Capital Bible Church Blog
With Christianity and matters of the Bible a core passion of Pastor Cortez’s, he occasionally supplements his weekly messages with written blog posts. These posts are short but thorough, and look at issues or subjects that may be on his mind.
Revisiting Faith and Works: Understanding Justification in James 2:24 and Romans 4:2
Are we justified by faith or are we justified by works? This is the great theological debate. In this article, Pastor Freddy gives a scripturally rich argument for faith. You be the judge.
Storm-Proof Your Soul: Matthew 7:24-27’s Blueprint for Stress-Resistant Living
Life's storms are inevitable. In this article, Pastor Freddy shares his thoughts on how to weather them using Jesus' parable of the wise and foolish builders.
Divine Love Amidst Earthly Tragedy: A Free Grace Perspective on the LA County Fire
The devastating fires in Los Angeles have left many questioning God's judgment. In this article, Pastor Freddy explores why God allows human suffering and the assurance of His love.
A Free Grace Perspective on a Highly Contested Verse
Understanding 2 Corinthians 13:5 properly is crucial for believers' spiritual well-being and assurance. Misinterpretation can lead to doubt. In this article, Pastor Freddy provides a free grace perspective of this verse.
TULIP vs. FAITH: A Free Grace Answer to Calvinism
In this blog article, Pastor Freddy contrasts popular Calvinist doctrines to the free grace perspective.
The Parable of the Two Builders
Is your Christian life built on rock or sand? What's the difference between the two? In this article, Pastor Freddy examines Jesus' parable of the two builders.
The Transformed Christian Life Through the Renewal of the Mind
How hard do you have to try to overcome sin? The answer isn't quite what you think. Read Pastor Freddy's blog for more.
The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
In this article, Pastor Freddy breaks down the parable of the wheat and the tares.
Money: The Master or the Servant?
Are you a spender or a saver? In this article, Eric discusses his thoughts on the delicate balance between money and the spiritual life.
Can I Be Silent About My Faith?
Is it offensive to discuss Christianity today? Should I share my faith? In this article, Eric uses Scripture to answer these commonly asked questions.
Does God Want Us To Be Planners?
Does God really laugh when we make plans? In this article, Eric uses several Bible verses to delve into this highly relatable topic.
The Characteristics of God
Growing up, how was God described to you? In this article, Eric examines ten characteristics of God as defined in His Word.
God is not a Genie
While we know God is not a genie, it's easy for us to treat Him that way. In this blog article, Eric examines faith, our loving God, and how we can pray to Him.
A Christian’s Resolutions
What are your resolutions for 2024? In this blog article, Eric makes suggestions for how to prioritize God in your life.
Image of God
What does it mean to be made in the image of God? In this article, Mike grapples with the meaning of this disputed concept.
The Bible's Teachings on Equality and Subordination
In this article, Pastor Freddy examines topics like gender roles, equality, and respect as described in God's Word.
Exploring Eschatology: Unveiling God’s Plans from a Premillennialist Perspective
This article explores key themes and perspectives within eschatology from a premillennialist standpoint.
Exploring Eschatology: Understanding the End Times
This article provides an overview of eschatology, exploring key themes and perspectives within this fascinating field of study.
The Rapture of the Church – Are We Getting Closer?
Many believers are looking at current events and wondering if we are getting closer to the Rapture of the Church. Pastor Freddy uses Scripture to examine this hot topic.
Why God Allows Evil to Continue, A Personal Story
Why does God allow evil to triumph? How do we deal with it? Bill shares a personal story of how he wrestled and came to terms with these difficult questions.